So, like many others, I just took one medication during my first course: methandienone, which I took in doses ranging from 20 to 40 mg daily. It didn't work out very well with the medicine choices, if I'm not incorrect about the dose. First of all, every new reader wishes to start out with only oral steroids and avoid getting injections. I admit that I was one of them. But it's unquestionably not worthwhile.
Although you will eventually get injections, I am aware that trying to convince you to start doing them in the first year is pointless. You CANNOT complete a course without Testosterone, though, and this is a rule that must be followed. The male body requires testosterone to circulate in the bloodstream since it has several impacts on your mood (it controls the level of neurotransmitters in the brain), which might increase desire and motivation. You don't want to loose all that in your first year, in my opinion. After all, any steroid that enters your bloodstream quickly fully suppresses your body's ability to produce its own testosterone. It turns out that following such a path leaves you deficient in the primary male hormone. Although steroids and testosterone have a molecular structure, they do not perform all of the same biological tasks.
Therefore, employing gonadotropin is the bare minimum treatment that will assist you in dealing with this without the usage of testosterone injections. Throughout the process, this hormone will compel the body to generate its own testosterone. Additionally, this medication will prevent testicles from drying up, hastening the recovery of testosterone levels following the cycle.
Gonadotropin is an injectable, but trust me when I say that subcutaneous injections are unpleasant. You cut them into the belly fat at unique, narrow angles. Even kids don't fear getting these shots. You may see what it is on YouTube and realise that even the most careful user will benefit from such injections.
Gonadotropin is the best option for you if you are hesitant to do your first cycle with oil injections. Every 5-7 days, 2000 iu per injection (1 vial), is what I would advise.
If you are not yet ready to provide intramuscular injections, what medication will serve as the foundation of your treatment plan? Drugs like oxymetholone or halotestin should never be used. Start with the medications that have the fewest negative effects, such as stanozolol, oral primabolan, or turinabol, and oxandrolone. To discover how your body responds to using anabolic steroids, your first cycle should be a sort of trial run for the actual programme.
I should also mention how long your first course will be. My suggestion is to take a brief, six-week course. You will be able to comprehend the medication's effects during this time, see the initial results, and then very rapidly have your hormones back. Although you shouldn't anticipate anything spectacular from this course, you may add 3–4 kg of muscle with the right nutrition and exercise, and trust me, this is excellent.
When it comes to doses, it's crucial to maintain consistency and only increase dosages if the minimal dosages aren't effective.
For the first several weeks, I advise starting with 20mg (oxandrolone, turinabol) or 50mg (methenolone acetate) every day. You should raise them to 30 mg and 75 mg, respectively, if you receive nothing at all. If low, consuming more is pointless because the maximum safe dosages are effective. I am aware of some huge males who weigh more than 110 kg who, at least temporarily, have improved in size and strength while taking these dosages. For instance, my friend, who weighs 103 kg, could deadlift 330 kg while taking 20 mg of turinabol daily. This, in my opinion, is a strong justification for delaying dose increases.
I'd like to add that in order to determine what level you should return to after the cycle, you should get your testosterone and other hormone levels checked beforehand. However, we shall go into further depth regarding analyses later.