Nandrolone is the second most popular steroid in the world, only surpassed by everyone's favourite testosterone, in the modern era of chemical warfare. Due to the popularity of nandrolone, there is a wealth of information online; regrettably, this has led to numerous misconceptions and fallacies concerning this steroid. By the time you finish reading this essay, you should have a much better understanding of the nature of this chemical because I hope to have clarified the majority of your doubts. What precisely do we understand about nandrolone? One of the most thoroughly researched anabolic androgenic steroids available today is nandrolone, also known as 19-nortestosterone. The two esters typically used for production are nandrolone decanoate and nandrolone phenylpropionate (they do have their slight differences but it is mostly about the half-life of the ester). It has to do with nandrolone's affinity to androgen, oestrogen, mineralocorticoid, and even progesterone receptors (the latter is thought to be its flaw but nandrolone has a much lower affinity to progesterone receptors than progesterone itself so it's not really an issue). Nandrolone is regarded by many as one of the best anabolic steroids and has many profound effects on human physiology.
However, we won't be talking about the positive aspects of this steroid today. In fact, we're doing the exact opposite. Let's get going. One of this steroid's most well-known and infamous characteristics is a fairly unpleasant side effect called "Deca Dick" (DD). DD is a type of erectile dysfunction (ED) brought on by various adjustments to the hormonal balance and neurotransmitter abnormalities. Prolactin production increases, which are frequently observed when nandrolone is present, are frequently believed to be the primary cause of DD. Although nandrolone has the ability to increase prolactin (high prolactin can also be produced by testosterone, but higher dosages are typically needed; combining the two at high dosages usually results in the worst outcomes), and high prolactin has the ability to suppress libido and significantly prolong the ejaculation period, this does not imply that prolactin is the cause of the DD phenomenon.
Dopaminergic drugs and D2 receptor agonists would have always been the best treatment if prolactin were the problem. However, a lot of people who take cabergoline and bromocriptine are still somewhat susceptible to DD. Please keep in mind that most persons can reach the lower end of the guideline range for prolactin with 0.25–0.5mg of cabergoline per week. However, it doesn't always resolve DD (if it does you were probably lucky and your weak erection was simply due to high prolactin).Then perhaps another female hormone is to fault. Estrogen, what about it? When there is too much of it, it is also known to lower libido; perhaps the issue could be resolved with a straightforward aromatize inhibitor (AI)?Please remember that while nandrolone does have some estrogenic qualities and is susceptible to aromatization, the amount of oestrogen it produces is different from what we get from testosterone. This is important to remember when discussing estrogen-related negative effects.Estrone (E1), Estradiol (E2), and Estriol are the three different free molecular forms of oestrogen (E3). E2 is the one that is most biologically active and is in charge of the estrogenic side effects. Nandrolone doesn't become E2, although about 20–25% of it aromatizes into E1 (not an issue most of the time). However, your E1 can now be converted to E2 via the 17-HSD metabolic pathway if you stack testosterone and nandrolone. And right now, you're sitting with a double "oestrogen sandwich," which will almost certainly have an impact on your mood and libido.
Can it be undone? 100%. You can "slow down" your aromatize enzyme by taking an aromatize inhibitor. But… Was it actually the powerful DD? No, still. relates nothing to it.The majority of people are unaware that DD is unrelated to dopamine, prolactin, or even oestrogen. Surprisingly, it has to do with 5-reductase.Yes, the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone is caused by this particular enzyme (DHT). Remember that DHT is also necessary for the synthesis of numerous neurosteroids that reduce anxiety and depression. Nandrolone, however, cannot convert to DHT because it interacts with 5-reductase to form dihydro nandrolone (DHN).
DHT and DHN are somewhat similar, and most people agree that DHN is a good metabolite because DHT damages follicles and is frequently cited as the main cause of male pattern baldness (which is, incidentally, only partially accurate, but that's a subject for another article). Let's simply state that both molecules have their own good and terrible traits because it could be tempting to condemn one and attempt to canonise the other. Well, DHN is actually the bad guy when it comes to neurotoxicity.In order for the penis tissue to operate effectively, androgenic stimulation is required, and if DHT is not present, ED symptoms may manifest. Yes, large doses of DHN can quickly replace DHT in tissues that depend on androgen, and then we have a Deca Dick.DD is not brought on by progesterone, oestrogen, or prolactin, as you can see. It's not related to the fact that it's a 19-nor, at all. It is entirely related to 5'-reductase, DHN, and the DHN/DHT ratio.
What can be done about it? The simplest solution would be to simply increase the dosage of DHT to neutralise the effects of DHN. Although it would certainly seem alright, there are undoubtedly more effective approaches. In the second section of the paper, We will try to explain that in more detail. Until then, bye. Be careful.